Blog - page 4

This is my blog. Sometimes in these posts I’ll talk about research or art projects I’m involved with, sometimes I’ll just ramble about other stuff which is keeping me up at night. If you’re interested in a certain topic, click on a tag to see just the posts with that tag:

If anything here sparks your interest (or your ire!) then get in touch via email or discuss on HN.

IoT China Study Tour not happening in 2019

In the (Australian) Summer of ‘16/17, ‘17/18 and ‘18/19 I ran an Internet of Things China Study Tour at the Beijing Institute of Technology. They were good times.


Laptop Ensemble in the Canberra Times

The ANU Laptop Ensemble (LENS) is in the Canberra Times this morning: ANU School of Music’s new orchestra is far from conventional.


Xinyu's Extempore tutorials

These tutorials are part of Xinyu Hou’s research project to create a set of PRIMM-style tutorials for learning to make sound/music in Extempore.


I'm a Reimagine Fellow

If you’ve been following the CECS newsletter, you’ll know that the inaugural Reimagine Fellows have been announced, and I’m one of them 🙌🎉🥳. It’s very exciting, and it means the c/c/c studio is going to be a real thing in 2020 (and beyond). It’s also a relief to be able to tell people, since I’ve had to keep the good news under my hat for the last couple of months.


Making the most of meetings with research students

Some questions to structure the regular one-on-one research meetings—modify as necesssary.


Livecoding gig this Friday 5:30pm @ ANU Drill Hall Gallery

For those who visit my blog to hear my livecoding gigs, there’s one this Friday. If you wanna see me perform with Charles Martin (on percussion & electronics) and Kieran Browne on livecoded visuals (live GLSL shader hacking). We’re playing 5:30pm–7:30pm @ Drill Hall Gallery as part of the Ildiko Kovacs: The DNA of colour exhibition.


Livecoding article on the ABC

In case you missed it, I was interviewed for an article on the ABC News website which came out last weekend entitled The Australians making music with computer code. A nice look at some of the players in the Australian livecoding scene.


In-place XML tree mutation for Jekyll productivity

I wrote a reveal.js plugin for Jekyll so that I can make nice slides (especially for my ANU courses). Recently, though, I’ve been touching up the COMP1720 slides for 2019 and it’s getting really slow to build the website.


The c/c/c studio

A project plan for my CECS Reimagine Fellowship


Mapping over table rows in org-mode

I’m an Emacs guy, and so if I’ve got some simple tabular data I’d much rather keep it in an org-mode table than have to fire up Excel.


On parental leave and auto-reply messages

I’m now (as of the date of this blog post) on parental leave (thanks, Brian 😊). I’m about to set up an email auto-reply which will guard my work email address until 15 July.


A dynamic Reimagine logo

I keep harping on about the Reimagine project because I’m super pumped about what it means for the way we do Engineering Computer Science here at the ANU (see here and here for more info).


Algorithmic uni marketing billboards

In the spirit of Murdoch University’s free your think marketing campaign, I’ve put together a dynamic full-page ad billboard as my pitch for the ANU’s next marketing campaign.


Reimagining Engineering & CS at the ANU

My pitch to be a Reimagine Fellow as part of the current reimagination project in CS/Engineering at the ANU.


Class discussions on Discourse

In 2018 I (with the support of the Teaching & Learning IT team in my School) switched from Piazza to a self-hosted Discourse instance for class discussions. Specifically, I used it for COMP1720: Art & Interaction in New Media, a large-ish (~200 students) introductory code/art programming and interaction design course. This course is open to both CS and non-CS students, and can be counted towards a major in both the CS and the ANU School of Art and Design.[^artgit]


On livecoding annotations and visualisations

I’ve just finished reading Charlie Roberts’ interactive web essay on annotations and visualisations for live code. If you haven’t read it, go do that now—and make sure you have some speakers/headphones to listen to the code examples, because it would be a real shame to read it without watching/listening to his ideas in action. All the code samples (with the visual annotations) are live-editable, both running “whole blocks” and re-evaluating individual expressions with ctrl+enter.


Oils from 威海

One of my academic responsibilities is teaching our ANU Computer Science programs into our various partner institutions overseas. One of these partner institutions is Shandong University WeiHai (SDUW).


Old livecoding photo roundup

I’m trying to find all the photos of me doing livecoding gigs over the past 10 years. If you’ve got an old photo of me doing my thing, then can you email me to share it? I’ll give you authoreal credit and hugs.


highlight.js with xtlang support

How to add Extempore syntax highlighting to web content.


The annual re-write: 2019 edition

Welcome, traveller. You’ve managed to find my blog without being eaten by a grue. If you haven’t visited for a while, you might have noticed that I’ve re-written my website. Again.


github bluesky vimeo graduation-cap rss envelope magnifying-glass vial mug-hot heart creative-commons creative-commons-by creative-commons-nc creative-commons-sa