Posts tagged with "extempore"
23 Apr '21
A short list of Extempore livecoding tricks
Yesterday’s LENS class discussion turned into an AMA of how I do certain things when I’m livecoding in Extempore. As promised, here’s a blog post where I’ve put together all of the things we’ve discussed (with a bit more explanation). If you’re in the LENS ‘21 class this’ll hopefully be a helpful complement to yesterday’s class discussion. If you’re not in the class, then maybe you’ve always been curious about certain things I (over)use in my livecoding sets? This is maybe a bit too niche to go in the general Extempore documentation, but if you’ve got any questions then you can hit me up on Teams (for LENS students) or the Extempore mailing list (everyone else).
30 Apr '20
Two-way OSC communication between Extempore and Pd
Because Extempore and Pd are both multimedia programming environments, they both speak OSC straight out of the box. If you need to send messages (numbers, strings, other data) from one program to the other over the local network[^lan] then OSC is a pretty good way to do it.
28 Jan '20
Extempore workshop @ ICLC '20, Feb 6, Limerick IE
If you’re coming to the upcoming International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC ‘20) in Limerick, Ireland, then it’s not too late to sign up for my workshop Introduction to music-making in Extempore. Even if you’re not coming to the rest of the conference, you can still sign up for the workshop.
27 Jan '20
Euclidean rhythms in Extempore
As part of the new Extempore pattern language stuff I added a helper for generating euclidean rhythms. I wrote it (in a recursive style) in Scheme using the algorithm described in Godfried Toussaint’s paper (although it’s credited to Bjorklund).
15 Oct '19
Sound file I/O in Extempore with libsndfile
libsndfile is “a C library for reading and writing files containing sampled audio data”, and it’s pretty great. Here’s a quick crash-course on using Extempore’s libsndfile bindings to read, process and write audio data files.
18 Sep '19
Xinyu's Extempore tutorials
These tutorials are part of Xinyu Hou’s research project to create a set of PRIMM-style tutorials for learning to make sound/music in Extempore.