Posts tagged with "teaching"

LLM Parlour Games for Overeducated Wankers

Note: this stuff is the workshop content for an alumni workshop in November 2024 hosted by the Cybernetic Studio at the ANU School of Cybernetics.


Writing graph theory proofs with ChatGPT

Posting logs of ChatGPT interaction is getting a bit passé by now in Feb ‘23, so I’ll stop doing it soon (I promise). But yesterday I was hanging out with my father-in-law and showing how it might impact his classes—he’s Associate Chair of the Mathematics Department at a top uni in China.


Academic integrity guidelines re: ChatGPT and generative AI tools

Here in Australia Semester 1 is approaching and ChatGPT is, undoubtedly, a thing. From a practical perspective it’s important to have some​ sort of guidelines about about ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in the classroom (everyone’s doing it). If you don’t provide any advice ahead of time you’ll end up making it up as you go along (because it will come up) and policy on the run is policy underdone.


Feedback in livecoding: cui bono?

Pre-reading (and watching) for fortnight 5 of the School of Cybernetics Master’s program


Moving to the School of Cybernetics

Some job news—I’ve just accepted a position in the new School of Cybernetics in the ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics. I’ll finish out my teaching this semester in the School of Computing then I’ll make the move in July. For those not familiar with the ANU org-chart or acronymicon, there are multiple Schools in each College (so I’m moving Schools but staying within the same College).


How to cite code? Leading by example

In our Computing Education Reading Group yesterday we looked at Sheard et. al.’s paper on Strategies for Maintaining Academic Integrity in First-Year from ITiCSE ‘17. It was a great discussion, with lots of new questions raised as directions for future work.


Respectful Learning Memes

Note: this post was noticed by the good folks at the ANU Centre for Learning and Teaching, and they asked if they could syndicate it on their Interact blog—so you can read it there as well.


Independent Study Contract writing tips

Many students here at the ANU School of Computing take a capstone project at the end of their undergraduate degree. There are a few different variations (e.g. half-year vs full-year, “research” vs “implementation”, etc.), but overall these projects are a chance for students to put together all the skills they’ve learned in their degree program in a supervised project where they’re the boss.


LENS Online - the Laptop Ensemble in a time of covid19

Well, as with all ANU courses, we’re taking the Laptop Ensemble (COMP2710/MUSI2205) course online.


ANU Laptop Ensemble in S1 2020

The Laptop Ensemble (LENS) is happening again in Semester 1 2020 as a for-credit ANU course in computer music making and laptop performance. It is open to students in music, art, computer science, and elsewhere around the ANU.


COMP1720 2019 major project exhibtion

If you’re around the ANU campus tomorrow (Saturday Nov 9) then come along to experience the COMP1720 Art & Interaction in New Media major project exhibition. This year’s theme is listening in/listening out.


Ben and COMP2300 next year

Students1 are starting to turn their gaze towards 2020, and so I’ve been getting a bunch of emails asking me if I’m teaching COMP2300/6300 Computer Organisation & Program Execution again in Semester 1 2020.

  1. well, the organised ones, anyway 


IoT China Study Tour not happening in 2019

In the (Australian) Summer of ‘16/17, ‘17/18 and ‘18/19 I ran an Internet of Things China Study Tour at the Beijing Institute of Technology. They were good times.


Laptop Ensemble in the Canberra Times

The ANU Laptop Ensemble (LENS) is in the Canberra Times this morning: ANU School of Music’s new orchestra is far from conventional.


Making the most of meetings with research students

Some questions to structure the regular one-on-one research meetings—modify as necesssary.


The c/c/c studio

A project plan for my CECS Reimagine Fellowship


Reimagining Engineering & CS at the ANU

My pitch to be a Reimagine Fellow as part of the current reimagination project in CS/Engineering at the ANU.


Class discussions on Discourse

In 2018 I (with the support of the Teaching & Learning IT team in my School) switched from Piazza to a self-hosted Discourse instance for class discussions. Specifically, I used it for COMP1720: Art & Interaction in New Media, a large-ish (~200 students) introductory code/art programming and interaction design course. This course is open to both CS and non-CS students, and can be counted towards a major in both the CS and the ANU School of Art and Design.[^artgit]


Oils from 威海

One of my academic responsibilities is teaching our ANU Computer Science programs into our various partner institutions overseas. One of these partner institutions is Shandong University WeiHai (SDUW).


Telopea Hour of Code

Welcome, Telopea Hour of Code students. Here are a couple of links you’ll need today: the p5 web editor and the slides for the presentation.


github bluesky vimeo graduation-cap rss envelope magnifying-glass vial mug-hot heart creative-commons creative-commons-by creative-commons-nc creative-commons-sa