The nature of livecoding is that it is performed (improvised) in-the-moment; the gig (performance) is the output (that’s why it’s called livecoding), and any artefact (e.g. a video recording) is useful documentation, but only a trace of the work itself.
Still, documentation is an important part of one’s artistic practice, so here’s a bunch of photos and videos from my gigs. Some of them are nice & slick-looking, some of them are super-grungy videos shot on smartphones in the crowd. Although I’m working hard to track down any old videos, some of these gigs are lost to time. I like to assume that they were the best ones 😉
31 May '24
Coloring Code - Live Drawing and Coding
01 Dec '22
OzCHI '22 Connected Creativity Algorave

31 Aug '22
ACMC'22 Evening Concert #1

21 Aug '21
ACMC'21 Evening Concert #1
07 Feb '20
ICLC'20 Algorave
30 Jan '20
02 Aug '19
Colour Coded
Kieran Browne (live GLSL shader hacking), Charles Martin (live Pd & electronics) I (livecoding in Extempore) were invited to perform at Colour Coded as part of the Ildiko Kovacs: The DNA of colour exhibition.
26 Feb '19
CECS Welcome Party 2019

13 Aug '18
Shirty Science Season 3 launch party
Shirty Science is an ongoing arts/science collaboration; scientists get paired up with artists to make a sweet t-shirt explaining/showing off their research.
10 Aug '18
National Science Week '18 ACT Launch Event
03 May '18
Soundscapes Concert Series #21
19 Jan '18
National Invention Convention '18 Closing Ceremony

11 Aug '17
National Science Week '17 ACT Launch Event
National Science Week is such a great event, with so many activities and events designed to get folks engaged with science. Each state also holds a “launch event”, where guest speakers kick things off and just generally get everyone psyched for the coming (science) week.
26 Aug '15
Collected Resonances: Session 2
12 Aug '15
Innovation ACT 2015 Launch
30 Sep '14
The AP Sessions
The AP sessions weren’t a normal gig. They were a series of livecoding gigs I performed in 2014 as part of my student Ari Purcell’s research project: Visualising a Live Coding Arts Process. Ari developed a bunch of visualisation techniques (in Extempore) to use in a livecoding performance. They weren’t just cool VJ visuals, they were designed to be overlaid on top of the code.
10 Jul '14
ACMC '14: Australasian Computer Music Conference

28 May '14
John Hosking Farewell Reception
15 Mar '14
"You Are Here" Festival - in case of sound: round one

15 Mar '14
"Art, Not Apart" Festival