Sound file I/O in Extempore with libsndfile

libsndfile is “a C library for reading and writing files containing sampled audio data”, and it’s pretty great. Here’s a quick crash-course on using Extempore’s libsndfile bindings to read, process and write audio data files.

Loading the xtlang wrappers for the sndfile library functions

Once you’ve got Extempore up and running, the first thing to do is to load the libsndfile wrapper functions:

(sys:load "libs/external/sndfile.xtm")

libs/external/sndlib.xtm contains bind-lib definitions for all1 the functions in the libsndfile library (compare that file to the C header to see for yourself).

In this blog post I’m mostly going to write “thin” xtlang code—calling the C functions directly wherever possible, and using the same basic types as the underlying C library. You could easily write xtlang helper functions to make all this stuff nicer, and libs/external/sndfile.xtm actually has a bunch of these as well (down the bottom of that file). However, I hope this bare-bones approach is helpful for understanding what’s going on (and how you might use other C shared libs if you wanted to).

Reading the audio file data into memory

In a fairly common API design pattern, to get info about a sound file (length, channels, sample rate, format, etc.) we need to:

  1. use sf_open to give us a pointer to the data structure which libsndfile uses to represent the audio file (a SNDFILE*)

  2. pass a pointer to another data structure (a SF_INFO*) which sf_open will populate with info about the file

sf_open doesn’t read the audio data into memory (where we can do stuff with it) though—because first we need to figure out how big a buffer to allocate for the data—and to do that, we need to know how many frames there are in the audio file, and how many channels per frame.

Looking at the documentation (i.e. the comment above the function declaration in the C header file) for SF_INFO we see that the first (tuple index 0) and third (tuple index 2) fields are going to be useful

struct SF_INFO
{   sf_count_t  frames ;        /* Used to be called samples.  Changed to avoid confusion. */
    int         samplerate ;
    int         channels ;
    int         format ;
    int         sections ;
    int         seekable ;
} ;

Using all this info, then, we can make a simple xtlang function to return the number of frames

(bind-func get_number_of_frames
  (lambda (filename)
    (let ((info:SF_INFO* (salloc))
          ;; call sf_info to populate info with data about the file
          (sfile (sf_open filename SFM_READ info)))
      (sf_close sfile)
      ;; return the number of frames
      (tref info 0))))

;; test it out using a wave file from the Extempore assets directory
;; (it should return the number 288366)
(get_number_of_frames "assets/samples/piano/60.wav")

Most of the code in this post doesn’t check for e.g. bad filenames or other potential errors, so if that’s a thing which might happen in your situation then you’ll need to check that sf_open doesn’t return null.

We can do the exact same thing to get the number of channels per frame (just returning a different element of the info struct):

(bind-func get_number_of_channels
  (lambda (filename)
    (let ((info:SF_INFO* (salloc))
          (sfile (sf_open filename SFM_READ info)))
      (sf_close sfile)
      ;; return the number of channels
      (tref info 2))))

;; returns 2 (it's a stereo file)
(get_number_of_channels "assets/samples/piano/60.wav")

Finally, we can calculate how many samples (num frames × num channels) we’ll need in our “audio data” buffer. We can then use sf_read to read the audio data from the file into our buffer, converting it to e.g. float (or whatever the type of SAMPLE is) as we go (libsndfile can read audio files in a bunch of different formats, but for working with it in Extempore we just want floating point values).

First, set up a DSP callback—just playing white noise so that we can check that it’s working.

(bind-func dsp:DSP
  (lambda (in time chan dat)
    (random .1)))

(dsp:set! dsp)

Now, we add a bunch of sndfile-related stuff to the top-level dsp closure environment (the outer let) to

  1. get the number of frames/channels from the file
  2. allocate a SAMPLE2 buffer big enough to fit all the audio data
  3. read the audio file data into this buffer

Finally, in the inner lambda we have a super-naive playback loop (look at the way we’re incrementing i—this will only work if the number of output channels matches the number of channels in the audio file).

(bind-func dsp:DSP 10000000 ;; allocate plenty of memory for our DSP closure

  (let ((filename "assets/samples/piano/60.wav")
        (nframes (get_number_of_frames filename))
        (nchan (convert (get_number_of_channels filename)))
        (nsamp (* nframes nchan))
        (info:SF_INFO* (alloc))
        (sfile (sf_open filename SFM_READ info)) ;; SFM_READ = open the audio file in "read-only" mode
        ;; here's the pointer to the audio data
        (data:SAMPLE* (alloc nsamp))
        (i 0))

    (println "read" (sf_read sfile data nsamp) "frames")
    (sf_close sfile)

    (lambda (in time chan dat)
      ;; a super-naive "playback" loop
      (set! i (% (+ i 1) nsamp))
      (* .2 (pref data i)))))

If it’s all worked, you should hear a piano playing repeated (legato) notes on middle C.

Of course, we could have simplified this by just calling sf_open and populating the info with data once at the top of an xtlang function, then doing stuff based on that information and finally sf_closeing the file at the end. That’s left as an exercise for the reader 😉

One thing worth noting with all this is that calling a C lib from Extempore doesn’t obviate the need to understand how the C library works, e.g. we still need to match every call to sf_open with a call to sf_close as stated in the libsndfile docs.

Writing data in memory to an audio file

There’s one more thing we want to do with our libsndfile library: write a bunch of audio data (which we’ve gloriously munged in Extempore) and write it back to an audio file.

Here’s a simple munging function which will replace the first 22050 samples with white noise, then leave the next 22050 untouched, then replace the next 22050 with more white noise, and so on. I’m sure you can come up with something more (sonically) interesting; this is just an easy one to test (by ear) if it’s working.

(bind-func munge_audio_data
  (lambda (data:SAMPLE* nsamp)
    (doloop (i nsamp)
      (if (< (modulo i 44100) 22050)
          (pset! data i (random .1))))))

The final thing to do is to create another SNDFILE object (this time opened in SFM_WRITE mode) where we’ll write the audio data. We’ll make some small additions to our dsp closure:

(bind-func dsp:DSP 10000000 ;; allocate plenty of memory for our DSP closure

  (let ((filename "assets/samples/piano/60.wav")
        (nframes (get_number_of_frames filename))
        (nchan (convert (get_number_of_channels filename)))
        (nsamp (* nframes nchan))
        (info:SF_INFO* (alloc))
        (srcfile (sf_open filename SFM_READ info))
        (dstfile (sf_open  "assets/samples/piano/60-munged.wav" SFM_WRITE info))
        ;; here's the pointer to the audio data
        (data:SAMPLE* (alloc nsamp))
        (i 0))

    (println "read" (sf_read srcfile data nsamp) "frames")
    (sf_close srcfile)

    ;; munge the audio data
    (munge_audio_data data nsamp)

    (println "wrote" (sf_write dstfile data nsamp) "frames")
    (sf_close dstfile)

    (lambda (in time chan dat)
      ;; a super-naive "playback" loop
      (set! i (% (+ i 1) nsamp))
      (* .2 (pref data i)))))

If you re-evaluate that dsp closure, you should (a) hear the munged audio and (b) it should have been written to the “assets/samples/piano/60-munged.wav” file. Note that we re-used the info data structure (which was populated with the info from srcfile) in the dstfile call—this is deliberate, and makes sure that we use the same file format for the output file as for the input file. If you want to write it in some other format, then look at the libsndfile docs—there are lots of options.

Wrapping up

There’s lots more to explore, but I’ll leave it here for now. If you’ve got any comments, then get in touch on the Extempore mailing list.

[c-xtlang-interop]: There’s more detail on how this works in the Extempore docs if you’re interested.

  1. well, pretty much all 

  2. SAMPLE is an alias for float by default 

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