Livecoding - page 2
This is my blog. Sometimes in these posts I’ll talk about research or art projects I’m involved with, sometimes I’ll just ramble about other stuff which is keeping me up at night. If you’re interested in a certain topic, click on a tag to see just the posts with that tag:
acma acmc ai ccc covid19 cs4all cybernetics elixir emacs extempore gigs lens life livecoding media phoenix python reimagine research student-project teaching tools ux web widgets zed
If anything here sparks your interest (or your ire!) then get in touch via email or discuss on HN.
02 Nov '13
ICOMOS 2013: International Council on Monuments and Sites
In 2013 I was invited to perform a dawn livecoding/projection mapping set inside the burnt-out telescope dome at Mt Stromlo Observatory, which was destroyed during the 2009 Canberra Bushfires.
25 Oct '13
Revenant Media: Theremin '75 Exhibition
15 Jun '13
Musical Metacreation (MuMe) Algorave at ISEA 2013: International Symposium on Electronic Art
24 Sep '09
Beginning-Middle-End Festival
03 Jul '09
ACMC '09: Australasian Computer Music Conference

15 Oct '08
Transmissions in Sound
My first proper curated livecoding gig, way back in 2008. No photos or videos survive, but I can vaguely remember it. I was super-nervous.