Old livecoding photo roundup

I’m trying to find all the photos of me doing livecoding gigs over the past 10 years. If you’ve got an old photo of me doing my thing, then can you email me to share it? I’ll give you authoreal credit and hugs.

For any photos of actual gigs, they’ll go into the livecoding section of this website. However, I also do lots of other presentations, talks and demos which don’t really count as “gigs”. For those, I’ll just add the photos here as they turn up.

Australian Council of Deans of ICT 2017

Ben livecoding at the Council of Deans' of ICT meeting

from @FalknerKatrina

Australian Institute of Physics Congress 2014

Ben livecoding a physics simulation at AIP congress

from @starstoofondly

Australasian Computer Music Conference (ACMC) 2007

ACMC attendees hanging out at Kremlin bar

This isn’t me performing, unless you count my animated conversation with Gordon Monro as a performance.

github bluesky vimeo graduation-cap rss envelope search vial coffee heart creative-commons creative-commons-by creative-commons-nc creative-commons-sa