AI art installations and livecoding gigs in Nov/Dec

If you follow me on bluesky you’ve seen this already, but over the last couple of months I’ve been hard at work on an AI art installation called Panic. This was a collaboration with Adrian Schmidt—I did the software, he did the hardware (including the cool, 6” diameter Panic! button).

I wrote an essay on the School of Cybernetics website which goes into more detail about how it works and what it all means (I mean, it’s an artwork, so mostly I built it because I could, but some folks wanna know “what’s the practical application of this stuff” so I wrote some words to give plausible deniability).

Here’s a 90min video of every single stable-diffusion image generated over the full 2 weeks of the exhibition. Not necessarily the sort of thing you’d sit down and watch from start to finish, but fun to dip in and out of. Even at 8fps it’s still possible to watch the gestalt change over time (and it’s also interesting to see which prompts the humans in the room put in).

On the livecoding front, Ushini & I did another livecoding set at the OzCHI 2022 conference—pics & video on the livecoding page.

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