17 Jul '19
In-place XML tree mutation for Jekyll productivity
I wrote a reveal.js plugin for Jekyll so that I can make nice slides (especially for my ANU courses). Recently, though, I’ve been touching up the COMP1720 slides for 2019 and it’s getting really slow to build the website.
I turned to Jekyll’s built-in profiling command to see where the problem is.
Here’s the output of jekyll build --profile
on this website, which (currently)
builds in 7.2 seconds on my machine.
Filename | Count | Bytes | Time |
_layouts/reveal.html | 9 | 104.60K | 4.102 |
_layouts/default.html | 81 | 729.15K | 0.809 |
_includes/head.html | 90 | 266.90K | 0.702 |
research.md | 1 | 16.40K | 0.196 |
_includes/hljs.html | 90 | 29.44K | 0.192 |
_includes/slides/background-image.html | 9 | 31.94K | 0.154 |
_layouts/paginated.html | 21 | 70.29K | 0.078 |
_talks/u3a-world-since-google.md | 1 | 14.49K | 0.058 |
_includes/header.html | 81 | 85.88K | 0.042 |
_talks/ltc-stem-camp.md | 1 | 13.38K | 0.040 |
feed.xml | 1 | 105.55K | 0.038 |
…more inconsequential stuff follows… |
Clearly, the reveal.html
layout is the problem, taking 4.1s (more than half
the total build time). I suspect that this is because my reveal
plugin does a bunch of
copying of (Nokogiri) XML nodes, because I wasn’t worrying about performance
when I wrote it.
Re-parent all the nodes!
Looking at the Nokogiri API and
the revealify.rb
plugin code, there are a bunch of places where instead of
duplicating & copying nodes, I can just re-parent them into the right places.
I’m a big immutability fan usually, which is why I built the plugin based on
copying originally, but with a bit of careful re-parenting the revealify.rb
plugin now looks like
(see the linked post above to see what it
looked like before).
And the result? Total build time is down to 2.8 seconds. Admittedly that was because it was really inefficient before, but I’ll take a 2.5x speedup anyday 😊. Here’s the relevant profiler output with the updated plugin:
Filename | Count | Bytes | Time |
_layouts/default.html | 82 | 741.77K | 0.873 |
_includes/head.html | 91 | 269.82K | 0.780 |
research.md | 1 | 16.40K | 0.198 |
_layouts/reveal.html | 9 | 105.65K | 0.182 |
_includes/hljs.html | 91 | 29.77K | 0.172 |
_includes/slides/background-image.html | 9 | 31.94K | 0.151 |
_layouts/paginated.html | 21 | 70.55K | 0.101 |
_talks/u3a-world-since-google.md | 1 | 14.50K | 0.058 |
_includes/header.html | 82 | 86.94K | 0.045 |
_talks/ltc-stem-camp.md | 1 | 13.39K | 0.041 |
feed.xml | 1 | 112.62K | 0.029 |
…more inconsequential stuff follows… |
Wow, the reveal.html
layout has gone from 4.1s to 0.2s, a 20x speedup!
So I guess the moral of the story is that profiling is important, and that avoiding copies and writing filthy mutable code is helpful as long as you’re careful.
Now that I’ve done procrastinating with this stuff, I can get back to writing my slides for the upcoming semester.