Hosting a self-built jekyll site on GH pages

This blog is built from markdown files using Jekyll hosted on GitHub pages, which saves a lot of hassle involved with DIY hosting1. There are a bunch of useful tutorials on how to set all this up.

However, I like to have control over which plugins are used, etc. which GitHub pages doesn’t let you do. What it (GH pages) does let you do, though, is dump a bunch of files (html, js, css) in a repo and just serve them as-is. These files represent the “built” version of your site, not the source, so you’ll probably want a separate repo for your content (e.g. your markdown files) and the built site. Handling this stuff can be a hassle, so here’s the Makefile I use to make it easy.

The basic process is:

  1. create a git repo where you keep your jekyll site (or not, but it’s so nice to have your blog content under version control)

  2. create a separate project on GitLab called $(GH_USERNAME)/$(GH_USERNAME), but don’t create anything in there yet

  3. make init will turn the local jekyll build directory into a git repo

  4. make push target will build your site (locally) and push it up to GitHub, where it’ll be served by GitHub pages

After that, you can work on, commit & push your blog wherever you like (I actually keep the content in the same GH repo, but in a source branch) but you can push the built site to the master branch so GH pages will serve it up for you.

GH_USERNAME=benswift # change this to your GH username

all: push

	mkdir -p $(BASE_HTML_DIR) && cd $(BASE_HTML_DIR) && git init . && git remote add origin [email protected]:$(GH_USERNAME)/$(GH_USERNAME)

	bundle exec jekyll build

commit-all: generate-blog
	cd $(BASE_HTML_DIR) && git add . && git commit -m "update blog"

push: commit-all
	cd $(BASE_HTML_DIR) && git push origin master
  1. I know that it’s not actually that much hassle, especially if you’ve already got a webserver set up for other reasons, but zero hassle still beats ε hassle ∀ε>0, especially when there’s other work to be done. 

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