openconnect setup for institutional VPN access

My institution’s IT policies have recently changed and port 22 is now blocked from off-campus. That’s a real pain if you use ssh to push/pull from our on-prem GitLab servers (which I need to do all the time).

The recommended solution is to come in via a VPN—which is not a terrible idea in principle. However, the institution’s recommended setup requires some janky GlobalProtect client, which (for me at least) was pretty crashy. As an alternative, openconnect is just a brew install openconnect away (on macOS, at least), and after a bit of setting up, it works seamlessly.

If you’re in a similar situation, here’s a terminal command you can use to access the campus network via the VPN:

sudo openconnect \
  --user=uXXXXXXX \ ## replace with your uid
  --protocol=gp \   ## because it's a GlobalProtect VPN

The above command will prompt for your usual password, which you enter in the terminal. Since I already have that info in an encrypted file, I have a slightly modified setup (this is in a script called

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

# pull ANU password out of encrypted authinfo file, pipe it to stdin
gpg -q --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty -d ~/.authinfo.gpg | \
    awk '/machine login [email protected]/ {print $NF}' | \
    # start the VPN
    sudo openconnect --user=uXXXXXXX --protocol=gp --passwd-on-stdin

Happy VPN-ing.

Update September 2022: I recently had a nasty issue with this where openconnect didn’t shut down cleanly and had left my DNS server IPs pointing to the wrong place. This meant that DNS resolution didn’t work across my whole computer: websites weren’t showing up, git was borked, even ping. What a bummer.

There may be a better fix, but I just deleted the DNS settings (in System Preferences > Network > Advanced > DNS on macOS) and it all started working again.

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